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  • Stormy weather in Cork City, May 10, 2014

    On Saturday afternoon I’ve been to the city centre, right after the rain stopped, but it was still a bit windy. I liked the atmosphere with the dark clouds, though.

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data.

  • Ring of Kerry, May 9, 2014

    The other day we had a family excursion to see the highlights of the famous “Ring of Kerry” with a Cork coach company specialized into day tours.

    The tour was very pleasant, the driver was explaining historical, geological and economical facts about Cork and Ireland in general in a very entertaining way.

    We saw a bog village, Dingle bay, Waterville, Sneem, Muckross House, Killarney and many other great sights.

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data

  • Flowerbox, PDL Münsterstraße, May 7, 2014

    The other day I saw a nice flowerbox in front of the PDL in Münsterstraße

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data

  • Bike tour Haus Dellwig, May 4, 2014

    The fourth was with us, we cycled quite relaxed today from Dortmund main station through the forest to Haus Dellwig.

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    See Picasa for full size pics and location data.


    Route 2,586,821 – powered by www.bikemap.net

  • Photowalk Dortmund Phoenix-West / Hoerde / Phoenixsee, May 3, 2014

    Yesterday I met a group of people from facebook and couchsurfing to walk around Phoenix West to Phoenixsee. Although I’ve been there already, there have been many nice impressions, and the others being more technically able in photography were able to give me another view on photography. Still those are my usual pictures taken with my compact camera “from the hip” 😉

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. See Picasa for full album (91 pics) and location data.

  • Easter bike tour, Apr 20, 2014

    We did a small bike tour yesterday, here are some pictures, it’s the artificial lake called Phoenixsee as there was the steelworks “Hoesch Phoenix” before.

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

    Route 2,565,459 – powered by www.bikemap.net


  • My long weekend in Cork, Ireland, Apr 10-14, 2014

    So, after a long while without travelling, I finally made it out of Germany again, even if for only a short time. The official reason was to go to “Cork HospEx Camp 2014“, but I also did long to see my sister again, who lives in Cork, Ireland. 🙂


    Dublin, 10.4.2013
    Dublin, 10.4.2013

    I started on Thursday at 8am by train to Düsseldorf airport, with only hand-luggage there was no check-in, just a bit of security (which I failed, as I unbuckled my belt but forgot about the pedometer attached to it, which only fell to the floor while I stepped through the metal detector, so I was in for a pat-down) so I could browse the book store and have some coffee. Had I known I would have more time, I would have drunk my coffee more slowly. The plane was delayed inbound about an hour, it started at around 11:30am German time. So I arrived in Dublin around 12:00pm instead of 11:30am, but my bus to Cork was at 12:25. I had to go wash my hands and buy a SIM card top-up in order to have internet with my Irish SIM card, so I ran past everyone leaving the plane, I think I even might also have skipped some people in the queue for the passport check, but finally made it at 12:20 to the Aircoach Express bus to cork, which left just as I sat down (I guess, it’s a good thing to book a seat, so they know whether they’d have to wait or not). But, I already felt relaxed at this point :-). The bus trip was quite fast and on time, so I did arrive at 4pm in Cork.


    Sunset over Blackpool, Cork, 10.4.14
    Sunset over Blackpool, Cork, 10.4.14

    In Cork the first thing I got me was a Bus Eireann commuter ticket as I would stay in Blackpool, which is some kilometres from the centre. Then, after a nice sandwich and a coffee to go I took the Blarney bus to get to Blackpool to finally see my sister :-). We went for a coffee at Costa’s and then went shopping at Aldi in the Blackpool Retail Park nearby. After settling in a bit we went with her flatmates to walk the dog, which is an adorable Alaskan Malamute, it was a nice walk up to the hills surrounding Blackpool, I was able to capture some of the view and also some nice sunsets during the walk. In the evening we went to the cinema to watch “Divergent“, a really good movie.


    Remaining stone put into new building, Cork 11.04.14
    Remaining stone put into new building, Cork 11.04.14

    On Friday I went to meet the other people from the hospitality communities (BeWelcome, CouchSurfing, …), we met at “Gael Taca” cafe, where someone from the cafe explained the basics of Irish (gaelic) language to us. Also Darren, a very active local couchsurfer gave an abstract of Irish history to us in a very good lecture. Later, around mid-day we set to go to a walking tour through Cork city, where Darren and Graham also were able to enlight us regarding the history of Cork. Later that evening there was a culture night in a private room of a pub that also sported a kitchen so we could make our own pizza. I was bringing Westphalian waffles, but for some reason they lacked the usual texture. May it be my inexperience in preparing large amounts of waffle batter or the waffle iron, we’ll never know, the waffles vanished very quickly anyway ;-). The evening was very nice with handmade food, music and, most important: good-spirited people.


    Cedar tree seen from UCC grounds, Cork, 12.04.14
    Cedar tree seen from UCC grounds, Cork, 12.04.14

    On Saturday on mid-day there was a free-hugs event scheduled, I was late, but so has been nearly everyone else, due to the good evening before ;-). In the end the group came together at Graham’s place and later at the Courthouse, to go on different tours from there (bike tour, walking tour, …). I was on the walking tour lead by Donna, which had a bit more of an artsy focus than the tour before. We’ve been to a Gallery and to the UCC campus among others, also to a pub and later to the riverside of River Lee. From there I went home to Blackpool because my sister had invited friends to a nice evening with, guess it, pizza (very different taste from the evening before as we had greater control over the preparation). It’s been a nice evening but I went to bed early, as the days before have been a bit exhausting.


    View from Patrick's hill, 13.04.14
    View from Patrick’s hill, 13.04.14

    On Sunday there was a picnic on Patrick’s hill. I took the opportunity to test my orientation, coming not from city centre, but it all worked out, it was more difficult to get off at the correct bus stop, but in this respect I also have been lucky so it’s only been a very steep walk up some stairs to meet the others on top of a hill which was a bit more far off from the city centre I guess. The picnic was also filmed by a quadrocopter drone, in this video you can see some people in the beginning and end (the video is an impressive 16 minute air survey of Cork City). In the evening after the picnic we went to a pub, Sin E, to listen to some trad and say goodbye.

    Dublin airport, 14.04.14
    Dublin airport, 14.04.14


    The last day on Monday was very uneventful, I had some time to spend in Cork City starting at 12 to Dublin airport and then got back to Düsseldorf around 8:30pm local time to arrive at home around 10pm.

    I just can say “thank you!” to my sister for letting me stay the 5 days at her place, to the organizers of the HospEx Camp for making it happen and to everyone attending for being who they were.

    Below are most of the pictures I took in Cork, see this album for all pictures (136) in full size with location data, and also some pictures taken on the inbound and outbound trip. Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery.


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  • April weather, Apr 8, 2014

    Yesterday there was april weather in Dortmund. In German we say “April, April, er macht was er will” (April, April, it does what it wants to do).

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

  • Nice weekend, Apr 06, 2014

    Today we did a short bike tour as group, up the Emscher and through Dortmund Mengede, Westerfilde, Schloß Westhusen, Huckarde and back to Dortmund HBf.

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

    Route 2,544,004 – powered by www.bikemap.net


  • Seeking butterflies, Apr 3, 2014

    Today during lunch break I was trying to take pictures of butterflies. Only one let me take a picture, I guess its name is Speckled Wood (Waldbrettspiel, Laubfalter).

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

  • Mariposas, butterflies, Schmetterlinge in Dortmund (no pics)

    If you’re like me you enjoy watching butterflies (today when I did not have my camera with me due to charging my mobile a couple of them even sat down in front of me), at least in Dortmund I’ve been to a good spot during my lunch break, in the Technologiepark between Hauert / Universitätsstraße / Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße / Otto-Hahn-Straße. The small wood sported different kinds of butterflies 🙂

    show bigger map

  • Weekend, Mar 29/30, 2014

    I’ve been a bit knocked out yesterday, but nevertheless the weekend was very nice, Music on Friday and Saturday and on Sunday a small bike tour into the east of Dortmund, chilling out in Westpark and having a dinner made by fellow couchsurfing friends 🙂

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

    Route 2,535,438 – powered by www.bikemap.net


  • Weekend, Mar 22/23, 2014

    The weekend was quite busy, joining the Session at Youngster’s Point, accompanying someone nice in Dortmund (including Uni flea market), a very nice party and in the end a meeting in Tremoniapark. 🙂

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

  • Spring has begun, Mar 20, 2014

    It’s spring 🙂 I would have loved to put up pictures of butterflies but unfortunately the little fellows have been to busy today to pose for my camera, so it’s flowers instead. I’ve been at Nordstadt, An der Palmweide, in Technologiepark and Dorstfeld in Dortmund and at Zollverein in Essen that day.

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    Click on a picture to see a larger version / browse the gallery. Visit Picasa for full-sized photos and location data.

  • Sunset Dortmund Universität, Mar 19, 2014

    Sun sets behind Dortmund Universität, 19.03.14 18:50 – you could say those were the last rays of winter sun 2014 🙂

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    Click on the picture to enlarge. Visit Picasa for full-sized photo and location data.