Although I was working late I still was able to appreciate the beauty of this sunset 🙂 The first two are taken in Dortmund Technologiepark and the latter 2 in the city centre, at the ZOB behind the main station (building is Arbeitsamt).
I spent the weekend of June 22/23 at U Turm, Dortmund, as there has been the last chance to see the exposition “World of Matter” and also on this weekend there was Schau-Festival. There also was “Sommer am U” but as you can see in the picture Dörte took of me there unfortunately was not too much going on outside.
After the storm some trains in the area have been out of operation for nearly a week and as far as I know the S6 between Essen and Cologne still will be repaired for a month. I’ve been happy to use the S1 one week later again 🙂
On Pentecost I made some waffles and had a walk in the park in the evening. Also I tried to sing along with frogs and put the result on video. Just in time when I reached home again one of the biggest storms this area has experienced started, at least 6 persons have been killed, houses and cars have been damaged, not to talk about road and railway tracks.
Had I known that barely an hour after I left the park a storm “Ela” on Pentecost Monday made access to the park impossible for weeks, I’d have taken more pictures.
I’ve got some “technical problems” today but still a chance to walk out into the meadows on a sunny day is a chance to walk out into the meadows on a sunny day. 🙂
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Yesterday I met a group of people from facebook and couchsurfing to walk around Phoenix West to Phoenixsee. Although I’ve been there already, there have been many nice impressions, and the others being more technically able in photography were able to give me another view on photography. Still those are my usual pictures taken with my compact camera “from the hip” 😉
We did a small bike tour yesterday, here are some pictures, it’s the artificial lake called Phoenixsee as there was the steelworks “Hoesch Phoenix” before.
Today we did a short bike tour as group, up the Emscher and through Dortmund Mengede, Westerfilde, Schloß Westhusen, Huckarde and back to Dortmund HBf.