Yesterday I took another stroll through “my” hood, during the so called blue hour, which leads to sunset and dawn automatically 😉 So here are some impressions:
[alpine-phototile-for-picasa-and-google-plus src=”user_album” uid=”114159417905468681891″ ualb=”6084513304973474641″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”bookshelf” row=”5″ size=”400″ num=”50″ align=”center” max=”100″]
Click on the pictures to zoom, visit Picasa for full-size pics and location data and also if you don’t see any photos above because you’re viewing the post on tumblr and the photos are embedded via a WordPress widget.
These are some pictures from above on Instagram, this time as latergrams as I took an off-line day yesterday. 🙂